“And I can’t say I really blame you
For being bored with the beginning
Always staring at the score
To figure out who’s barely winning…”

 (listening John Mayer, Tracing)


Waste your time. Yes.
I have it more than you,
My clocks are not yet
Waiting for it to
Blend into the air.
I’m free.

(poem © Lautricienne)




Hi, there.

As I probably said before, I’m not fan of mesh heads. But there was certain lurking deep inside my mind what, in the end, made me a little jealous monster on all those pretty photos people create, so I had had had to have it. It’s been a long process, and in the end, my dear person who gives me pretty stuff in exchange for my lame posts friend Xo, gave me chance to get my own copy of LeLutka head. (Thank you, Xo, you’re a sweetheart!)
I chose Stella, because maybe it correspond the most with my RL head shape it’s the one what I though I will be able to  get most from it and somehow looks “different” than all generic ones.
I still don’t know what to think. Talking to a blogger-friend (who actually doesn’t sux in photos like I did in this post), she told me that it need time to adapt. But somehow, it still doesn’t feel like ME.
I’m wearing new Swallow LeLutka applier and it somehow DID save me from crying, but… I will listen to advice. It takes time.
What do you think?




  • MESH HEAD: .LeLutka. Mesh Head – STELLA v1.1
  • SKIN APPLIER: Swallow Chrissy Skin PORCELAINE/Applier Lelutka Mesh Head
  • SKIN (for body): Swallow – Alice – porcelaine
  • HAIR: (fd) Sleepy Head – 22 (past Arcade)
  • TATOO: DATUM } – Dusk to Dawn
  • NAILS: alaskametro<3 – Desert Gold
  • NECKLACE 1 – gold short: [Modern.Couture] Jewelry – Tara Black Necklace (past On9)
  • NECKLACE 2 – long: LaGyo – Panarea long necklace Silver (@Collabor88)
  • RINGS 1, 2, 3 – :Moon Amore: Delicius rings (gift)
  • TOP 1 – cats: [monso] – My Halter Top – Kitty (size1) (NEW@Creation.Jp)
  • TOP 2 – red: Center Ville – Top Small Red S
  • JACKET: ** DIRAM ** STELLA Shoulder Coat – Leather (past On9)
  • JEANS: [monso] – My Biker Jeans – Blue
  • BELT: {SMS} Thin Belt Red gold (store closed)
  • SHOES: Essenz – Munich (Slink) (past On9)
  • POSE 1 – full: .::Vibe::.. – Grayscale (NEW@ShinyShabby)
  • POSE 2 – close up: Vestige – Easton

LOCATION: Kowloon.

6 thoughts on “.Do You Ever Get That Feeling…?

  1. I love your first image a lot. I too am on the fence with mesh heads, while they do look good in photos….. they seem to lack a personality……even a soul…. and seem stiff. Then I noticed everyone is starting to look a like on Flickr! lol


    1. My thoughts exactly. It look so generic. I wish I can afford to buy personalised one, but it won’t happened.
      What will happened next in SL? Before we fought against copybotter who used to copy whole avatars (shape etc.) today we readily jump into being-all-the-same.
      They can be different to the certain point, but need to post all the items worn makes you vulnerable to became everybody else’s.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agree. I like the uniqueness of my avatar. I jumped into a head I waited for and was so excited to get…. until I saw flickr the next day….. I was everywhere! lmao


      2. You’re popular, my dear. Me are all Duchess, kinda. Or DuchDea, Duchdee… hahaha, it is hilarious tho.
        I will call all the post I make with the head – the lazy ones, so every time I make it, it will because I’m lazy to edit the images, hahha.


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